Ermittlung Deines psychologischen Profils im Internet
Man kann Dein psychologisches Facebook-Profil bestimmen (Prediction from Facebook):
Our peer-reviewed research has shown that You Are What You Like! Your favourite movies, music, books and more can reveal private attributes about you, such as your personality, intelligence or sexual orientation.
Hier kannst Du den Selbsttest machen.
Für Geheimdienste und die Marketing-Wirtschaft wird das als „Personalisierung des Internets“ verkauft:
„A personalisation engine that accurately predicts psychological traits from digital footprints of human behaviour“
Was alles getestet wird:
- Alle
- Highlights
- Persönlichkeit
- Business
- Intelligence
- Gesundheit
- Beziehungen
- Werte
- Society
- Konzert
- Fun Tests
Short Personality Test
The Mini-IPIP is a popular 20-item measure of BIG5 personality, used in academic research.
MyIQ Intelligence Test
29-item intelligence test measuring cognitive skills and logical reasoning. Find out your IQ score!
My Personality 100-item
Measures five fundamental dimensions of personality and gives detailed feedback on BIG5 and Jungian Type
What is your team role?
Perfectionist, Pragmatist, Mediator, Innovator or Motivator? Find out your team role (and symbolic bridge type) with this short and enjoyable test.
Preference-based Personality
Find out what your taste in brands, music and movies reveals about your personality with this fun test.
What Type of Traveller Are You?
We all have our own style when it comes to travelling. Find out your BIG5 personality with this simple questionnaire.
Predictive Quality of Life Test
Computer-adaptive test that predicts your quality of life after a few questions and lets you rate the accuracy. Provides detailed feedback.
Perceptual Planning Maze
Find the most efficient route through the maze to collect as many gold coins as possible. Provides feedback on perceptual planning, a form of intelligence.
Managerial Workplace Behaviours (SJT)
Situational judgment and personality test focussing on managerial workplace behaviours. Feedback provided
Administrative Workplace Behaviours (SJT)
Situational judgment and personality test focussing on administrative workplace behaviours. Feedback provided.
Face Detection Test
How good are you at recognising faces in distorted images? Find out with the Mooney-Verhallen face detection test, hosted on Concerto platform.
Spatial Planning Game
Solve the puzzle by taking the best path around the map. Interactive Concerto test measuring planning ability.
„The Twilight Zone“
How do you cope with new situations? Do you draw inspiration from dreams, visions and odd occurrences? What kind of cat are you?
Feedback Attribution Game
Can you distinguish self-reported personality from predicted personality? What do your friends think of you? Find out with this interactive Concerto test.
You Are What You Like: Facebook Persona Test
What do your Facebook Likes reveal about your psychological profile? Try our one-click prediction of 34 traits, powered by Apply Magic Sauce API.
Figural Analogies Test
20 abstract reasoning tasks measuring general cognitive ability. Provides feedback on correct answers. Available via Concerto platform.
Numerical Sequences
Test your numerical reasoning ability with this challenging Concerto test. Feedback provided.
Financial IQ
Discover your knowledge of stocks, investment strategies, budgeting and other financial concepts with this Concerto test.
Relationship Satisfaction Questionnaire (GRIMS)
How good is your marriage or relationship? Complete these 28 items to find out.
Sexual Satisfaction Questionnaire (GRISS)
28-item questionnaire for the assessment of sexual dysfunction in heterosexual couples. Feedback for both sexes.
Numerical Intelligence Quiz
Test your numerical intelligence by identifying the rule or pattern in a sequence of numbers and completing the sequence.
Mindsight Motivational Profile
Image-based test of motivation in life in general, with detailed feedback. This test is available courtesy of the Forbes Consulting Group’s Mindsight platform.
Music Taste
Rate how much you like 30 short clips to receive feedback on your taste in music. Provided via Concerto platform.
Verbal Logic
Test of verbal and logical reasoning, hosted on Concerto Platform
Passion Towards Work
Are you passionate about work? If so, what kind of passion is it? Answer 16 questions to find out.
Measures the psychological aspects of business creation. Personality feedback provided.
Do you present a single version of the ‚real you‘ to people around you?
Predictive Big Data
Audit of public attitudes towards Big Data. Find out how similar your views are to others‘, as well as your personality.
Satisfaction with Life
Short measure of general life satisfaction. Feedback provided. Diener, E. et al. (1985).
Volunteer Personality Scale
People vary in their motivation to volunteer and the skills they bring. Which profile describes you best?
Thing-Person Orientation
What do you pay most attention to in your surroundings: things or people? 13-item.
Oral Health & Smiling
Multi-dimensional questionnaire measuring oral health, self-esteem and more. Personality feedback provided.
Relationship Scales
What kind of a lover or friend are you? 16-item.
Schwartz Portrait Values
NO FEEDBACK. Measures goals, aspirations and wishes that drive behaviour.
General Self-Efficacy Scale
NO FEEDBACK. Measures how you perceive your ability to perform novel or difficult tasks, and to cope with hardship.
Connected Home Survey
Smart appliances can help us save energy, cook better, finish chores easier and more. But would you really benefit from living this way?
Health at Work
NO FEEDBACK. What you would like your employer to offer in terms of health programs? Help us inform policy.
Short Form Health Survey
NO FEEDBACK. Adaptation of RAND’s 36-item measure, widely used for assessment of care outcomes in adult patients.
Empathy Quotient Scale
NO FEEDBACK. Empathy allows us to understand what people are thinking, how they are feeling, and their intentions.
Sensation Seeking
NO FEEDBACK. What kind of thrill seeker are you?
Behaviour Identification
NO FEEDBACK. Measures differences in preference for how certain behaviours ought to be described. 25-item.
Innovativeness and Initiative
NO FEEDBACK. Measures proactivity and the extent to which you seek novelty.
Autonomy Questionnaire
NO FEEDBACK. Measures attitudes towards autonomy and your need for it in the workplace.
Personality Disorders
NO FEEDBACK. Which personality disorder do you have? Fun test using IPIP scales.
General Well-Being Index
NO FEEDBACK. 22-item measure of general well-being.
Regulatory Focus Questionnaire
NO FEEDBACK. Which strategy do you take to turn motivations into action?